Net Disabler is a free portable program for Microsoft Windows devices to disable the Internet connection of the device temporarily.

An Internet off switch can be useful at times, for instance to block anyone from connecting to a machine, or making sure that processes don't phone home at a specific point in time, or to cut malware off from downloading additional payloads.

While you can do so in a number of ways, from removing the network cable or turning off WiFi on the router, to using a firewall or the netsh command.

Net Disabler

Net Disabler is a free program for Windows that gives you an easy to use control interface for that.

The free program is compatible with all recent versions of Windows, and is offered as a 32-bit and 64-bit version.

It displays its main settings on start. You need to select one or multiple of the available blocking options -- disable devices, block with DNS or block with Windows Firewall -- and hit the apply setting button afterwards to block net connections using the selected method(s).

To restore Internet connectivity, simply uncheck the boxes and hit the apply setting button again.

The program indicates whether the Internet connection is on or off directly, so that you know the status of it on first glance.

A click on menu opens additional options. Network adapters list all adapters for instance, and you may use the menu to include or exclude some from the operation.

You may also set a password that protects the application from unauthorized access. This can be interesting if you want to run it on another user account, for instance on a child's account and limit Internet connectivity this way temporarily or even permanently.

The menu links to the device manager, network connections, and the firewall settings as well for quick access.

You may run the program from the command line as well. The base command for the 64-bit version is netdisabler_x64.exe /E for enabling Internet connectivity, and netdisabler_x64.exe /D for disabling connectivity. The 32-bit version uses the same command, but without the _x64 part in the file name, e.g. netdisabler.exe /D.

You may specify the target actions using the /T command. Available are 1 (Device), 2 (DNS) and 3(Firewall). The command netdisabler_x64.exe /D /T 3 disables Internet connectivity using the firewall.

Closing Words

Net Disabler is a useful portable program that you can run on demand from any location. It is easy to block the Internet, and to restore connectivity again at a later point in time.

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